Welcome to SLikeSoft
As announced on our forums, the company is undergoing a change of its legal form.
The homepage and the product development continues by its developers under the legal form of ‘Einzelunternehmer’ while we are transitioning to a ‘GbR’.
All the services and support remain available without interruption.
New release
SLikeNet 0.1.3 is available for download.
Please refer to the product page for further details.
(Download | Release Notes | Changelog)
Announcing SLikeNet 0.1.3 (security release)
Due to a security vulnerability in SLikeNet (CVSS base score: 7.4)
we will release SLikeNet 0.1.3 on 2019-08-23.
New release
SLikeNet 0.1.2 is available for download.
Please refer to the product page for further details.
(Download | Release Notes | Changelog)
Announcing SLikeNet 0.1.2 (security release)
Due to a security vulnerability in SLikeNet (CVSS base score: 7.5)
we will release SLikeNet 0.1.2 on 2018-05-06.
New release
SLikeNet 0.1.1 is available for download.
Please refer to the product page for further details.
(Download | Release Notes | Changelog)
New product release – quick summary
SLikeNet is available for download.
SLikeSoft is proud to announce the release of its very first product: SLikeNet.
SLikeNet is a network engine based on the (discontinued) RakNet project.
Please refer to the product page for further details.
(Download | Release Notes | Changelog)
Starting today, we are present on the web as well.
SLikeSoft was founded.