Search found 44 matches
- Tue Jan 05, 2021 12:38 am
- Forum: SLikeSoft - Announcements
- Topic: SLikeSoft company changes
- Replies: 0
- Views: 64180
SLikeSoft company changes
When SLikeSoft was founded in 2016, we didn't foresee the workload and overhead which comes with a company. On top of this, things changed for both of the founders in their private life which led to the fact that we had to change the focus and activity on the company work. Having yearly costs of aro...
- Mon Sep 28, 2020 9:31 pm
- Forum: SLikeSoft - General
- Topic: Forum posting restricted to registered users
- Replies: 0
- Views: 155192
Forum posting restricted to registered users
To deal with the recent spam bot activity we had to remove the permission to post topics or replies anonymously (aka: without registering an account first). Unfortunately, we didn't find any other solution to handle the current situation without impacting the privacy promises we make for our user ba...
- Wed Jul 29, 2020 11:16 pm
- Forum: SLikeSoft - Announcements
- Topic: Update to Privacy Policy - becoming active on 2020-08-29
- Replies: 0
- Views: 44011
Update to Privacy Policy - becoming active on 2020-08-29
In order to get the forum spam under control, we will have to restrict the ability to add posts to the forum to registered users. For that, the privacy policy has to be adjusted. In addition, we removed the contact form. That too is now reflected in the new privacy policy. Please check out the new p...
- Mon Sep 02, 2019 9:32 pm
- Forum: SLikeNet - Announcements
- Topic: SLikeNet 0.1.3 released
- Replies: 0
- Views: 64147
SLikeNet 0.1.3 released
We are pleased to announce the release of SLikeNet 0.1.3. This is a bugfix/security release containing the following changes: version 0.1.3 (23-08-2019 21:00 UTC) *** This release resolves 2 user reported issue (2 completely) *** This release contains security fixes - overall CVSS score: 7.1 General...
- Thu Aug 22, 2019 9:29 am
- Forum: SLikeNet - Announcements
- Topic: Upcoming security update for SLikeNet on 2019-08-23
- Replies: 0
- Views: 45171
Upcoming security update for SLikeNet on 2019-08-23
Due to a security issue in SLikeNet we'll release an unplanned update of SLikeNet (0.1.3) on 2019-08-23. This exploit has the following CVSS score: base score: 7.6 temporal score: 7.1 (7.4 until SLikeNet 0.1.3 is released) overall score: 7.1 (7.4 until SLikeNet 0.1.3 is released) CVSS v3 vector: AV:...
- Tue Apr 16, 2019 3:12 pm
- Forum: SLikeNet - Support
- Topic: Android build
- Replies: 6
- Views: 90032
Re: Android build
First of all, sorry for the late reply. Got too much side-tracked with other work. Getting Android support in for SLikeNet is on our roadmap for 0.3.0 atm (SLNET-187). Unfortunately, that's currently not our priority and we didn't work on adding Android support much. This RakNet pull request might h...
- Tue Apr 16, 2019 3:05 pm
- Forum: SLikeNet - Support
- Topic: cat::EasyHandshake::PUBLIC_KEY_BYTES
- Replies: 2
- Views: 54969
Re: cat::EasyHandshake::PUBLIC_KEY_BYTES
While this forum is really quiet, it's certainly not dead. ;-) Regarding your topic: I tried the example with the current SLikeNet version and it works just fine there. The error you are getting most likely points to a problem with the include structure. Source/SecureHandshake.h should include "cat/...
- Thu Mar 21, 2019 1:41 am
- Forum: SLikeNet - Announcements
- Topic: NAT punchthrough service (alpha test)
- Replies: 0
- Views: 44493
NAT punchthrough service (alpha test)
SLikeNet (like RakNet) provides functionality to utilize the NAT punchthrough approach. This approach allows two peers to connect to one another over an IPv4 connection, even if a direct connection would usually be blocked by firewalls or certain restrictive network topography. For this to work, a f...
- Mon Oct 15, 2018 10:16 pm
- Forum: SLikeNet - Support
- Topic: ReplicaManager3 praktisch einsetzen
- Replies: 1
- Views: 51709
Re: ReplicaManager3 praktisch einsetzen
Hi Exa, momentan gibt es noch keine vollständige Doku/Tutorial für den ReplicaManager3 von unserer Seite her. Da wir aber momentan u.a. am ReplicaManager arbeiten, hoffe ich in den nächsten Monaten hier eine etwas detalliertere Anleitung erstellen zu können. Am Besten ist es wenn du dir das ReplicaM...
- Mon Oct 15, 2018 10:08 pm
- Forum: SLikeNet - General
- Topic: SLikeNet and Lua
- Replies: 5
- Views: 77770
Re: SLikeNet and Lua
Great work Shando. If you like I can put the file onto our server so you can use it as a download mirror. Would it be fine with you, if we base a later integrated Lua support on your code? For the time being, I'd add a note in the readme file in the next version to point to your Lua interface packag...