Forum posting restricted to registered users

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Forum posting restricted to registered users

Post by Luke1410 »

To deal with the recent spam bot activity we had to remove the permission to post topics or replies anonymously (aka: without registering an account first).

Unfortunately, we didn't find any other solution to handle the current situation without impacting the privacy promises we make for our user base.

If you are worried about creating a user account on our forum and providing your e-mail address with the registration, you can technically ensure yourself that no personal data can be recorded with your registration by:
- using the Tor browser
- use a disposable/temporary e-mail address with your registration

Both of these are free tools/services and allow you to create a complete anonymous technically untrackable user account in our forum. Just be aware that by using a temporary e-mail address, functionality like sending a password reset link, in case you forgot your account password or getting mail notifications upon new posts, obviously won't work then.
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