This is a bugfix/security release containing the following changes:
Further information and download links are available on the product page.version 0.1.2 (06-05-2018 21:00 UTC)
*** This release satisfies/processes 3 complete and 1 partial GitHub pull request (up to pull request RAKNET_124)
*** This release resolves 3 user reported issues (1 partially and 2 completely)
* SECURITY: security fix
* several smaller changes, fixes, and code cleanup (#186 - RAKNET_80, #207)
* several documentation updates (#207)
* fixed broken ABI compatibility with RakNet 4.081/4.082 (#203)
+ added DataStructures::RangeList::IsWithinRange() to easily determine whether a value is within a range (#205)
* fixed DataStructures::OrderedList::GetIndexFromKey() on a RangeList not indicating correctly that an object already exists (#204)
* fixed invalid range list being constructed via DataStructures::RangeList::Deserialize() (#204 - SLNET_19/SLNET_32/RAKNET_102)
* several small improvements to DataStructures::RangeList (#205)
* fixed out of bounds read in RNS2_Berkley::BindSharedIPV4And6() with RAKNET_SUPPORT_IPV6 set to 1 (#202 - RAKNET_116)
* fixed crash/stack corruption if freeing the returned wide char pointer from RakString::ToWideChar() for an empty string (#190)
* overhauled ACK/NAK handling (#194 - SLNET_32/RAKNET_102)
* fixed socket resource leak on non-Windows platforms in an error case (#186 - RAKNET_80)
NAT Punchthrough:
* fixed crash when exiting the NATCompleteServer (#192 - RAKNET_91)
* fixed build error in RakNet compatibility mode (#180 - SLNET_28/SLNET_30)
* fixed build errors with CMake < 3.0.0 (#183)
If you want to support the continuous development of SLikeNet, we would appreciate if you consider donating a small amount to help us cover our running costs.
Due to license requirements we have to add the following statements:
This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (
This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (
This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (