legend: + = added feature * = changed feature (bugfixes, changed behavior, etc.) - = removed feature *** = special note #x = refers to the JIRA issue number LARKU_x = GitHub pull request / issue number (project: larku/RakNet) RAKNET_x = GitHub pull request / issue number (project: facebookarchive/RakNet) SLNET_x = GitHub pull request / issue number (project: SLikeSoft/SLikeNet) SECURITY = special marker to indicate fixes related to security issues If you require a more detailed list on the changes, please refer to the Subversion repository history at: https://www.slikesoft.com/svn/slikenet/ version 2.0.0-alpha.1 (xx-xx-xxx xx:xx UTC) General: * documentation updates (#109, #287, #288) 3rd Part Libraries: OpenSSL: * updated bundled version to 1.1.0l (#286) - drop support for OpenSSL < 1.1.0 (#286) version 0.2.0 (xx-xx-xxxx xx:xx UTC) *** This release satisfies/processes 5 complete 3 partial GitHub pull requests *** This release resolves 1 user reported issue (1 completely) General: * extended supported compilers to VS 2017 15.4.1 (#163) * make use of C++11 nullptr-keyword (#281) * several smaller changes, fixes, and code cleanup (#130 - SLNET_50/SLNET_52, #136, #181 - SLNET_28/SLNET_30) * documentation updates (#130, #160, #189, #222, #257) Core: HTTPConnection2: * fixed memory leak upon destruction (#259 - SLNET_44) RakNetSocket2: * revised RakNetSocket2::GetMyIP() to determine own IPs more reliably (f.e. on OSX) (#217 - SLNET_36) * fixed RakNetSocket2::DomainNameToIP() not retrieving the proper IP (#260 - SLNET_45) RakPeer: * improve handling of disconnecting peers (#123 - SLNET_16) ReliabilityLayer: * fixed case where larger bitstreams/packets would be corrupted on the receiver's side (#177 - LARKU_2/SLNET_28/SLNET_30) * provide means to ensure sending outstanding ACKs (#123 - SLNET_16) ReplicaManager3: * fixed multiple threading issues, with using ReplicaManager3 (#248) WindowsStore8: * some minor code tweaks (#195 - RAKNET_96) Extensions: Swig: + added prebuilt C# bindings and integrated C# wrappers in prebuild DLLs (#157) Samples: General: * use the free SLikeSoft NAT punchthrough service as a default throughout the samples (#173) * add validation for user provided port numbers/number of connections throughout applicable samples (#145) NAT Punchthrough: * allow specifying the IP address(es) to be used via the command line (#257) * report the actual used IP address(es) and whether single or dual IP address mode is running (#257) * improve error reporting in case of startup issues (#257) 3rd Part Libraries: OpenSSL: * updated bundled version to 1.0.2u (#3) Building: General: * all libs build with runtime type information by default (#130) * enabled security checks in non retail builds (#130) * change projects to consistently use warning level 4 in all configurations with Visual Studio (#128, #129, #135, #137, #138, #139, #140, #142, #144, #146, #147, #149, #151, #152, #153, #154, #155, #162) CMake: * changed the project names from RakNetXXXX -> SLikeNetXXXX (#222) * changed default install location for SLikeNet to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX-based include/lib directories (#54 - RAKNET_29, #67 - RAKNET_41, #222) * changed default library names on Linux/OSX to use libslikenet.so / libslikenet.a and create related symlinks (#189 - RAKNET_86) * changed install target directory for include files to use include/slikenet (instead of include/raknet) (#222) * changed default configuration to build the retail version instead of the release one (#222) * added project version number (#222) * renamed options from RAKENET_XXXX -> SLIKENET_XXXX (#222) * removed obsolete RAKNET_INCLUDE_DIRS variable (#130) * removed obsolete RAKNET_GENERATE_INCLUDE_ONLY_DIR option (#222) * small tweaks/improvements to CMake files (#130, #222) iOS: * updated file name reference in XCode project (#188 - RAKNET_84) OpenSSL: + add debug and 64-bit flavors for OpenSSL (#254) + add static versions of OpenSSL (#283) + add variants of OpenSSL libs/DLLs for each supported VS version (#283) * added support for version 1.0.0e-1.1.0l (#3, #287) * changed directory structure of bundled openssl files (#253) * several smaller changes (#253) - dropped the OpenSSL external dependency from the source-only distribution (#253) Swig: + added support to build C# bindings in RakNet compatibility mode (#158) + added support for 64-bit, Unicode, and Retail configurations (#157) * restored support to build C# bindings (#157) * consolidated separate MakeSwigWithExtras scripts into MakeSwig scripts (#157) * raised supported SWIG version to 2.0.12 (#159) * fixed errors when generating C# files if output directories don't exist (#193 - SLNET_37/RAKNET_93) * fixed build error building the C# shared library with MySQL Autopatcher support on Linux (#244) * fixed error when building shared library with C# integration (#243) * removed unnecessary shipped SWIG include file "arrays_csharp.i" (#224) * countless of other related improvements/changes (too many to list here) (#157) version 0.1.3 (23-08-2019 21:00 UTC) *** This release resolves 2 user reported issue (2 completely) *** This release contains security fixes - overall CVSS score: 7.1 General: * several smaller changes, fixes, and code cleanup (#236, #238, #269) * documentation updates (#269) * updated changelog entries related to security issues in previous versions (#269) Core: General: * fixed NonNumericHostString() incorrectly identifying numeric as non-numeric addresses (#262) BitStream: * SECURITY: fixed BitStream::GetNumberOfUnreadBits() returning an incorrect value, if the readOffset exceeds the number of used bits (#278 - CVSS score: 7.1) * SECURITY: fixed multiple BitStream::ReadXXX()-methods causing buffer overruns when reading data from the stream (#267, #272 - CVSS score: 7.1) * SECURITY: fixed BitStream::Write() version causing a buffer overrun when reading data from the provided stream (#268 - CVSS score: 7.1) FullyConnectedMesh2: * fixed incorrect delete in FullyConnectedMesh2::Clear() when using a custom allocator (#249) PacketizedTCP: * SECURITY: fixed buffer overrun in PacketizedTCP::SendList() resulting in potential leaking arbitrary data (#221 - CVSS score: n/a) RakNetSocket2: * fixed failure in RNS2_Berkley::BindSharedIPV4() always reporting an "unknown" error on OSX (#258) * fixed RakNetSocket2::DomainNameToIP() failing to resolve the domain name (#264) RakPeer: * fixed crash in RakPeer::GetNumberOfAddresses() when the machine has >= 10 IPs (#261) RakWString: * added missing definition of global +-operator for two RakWStrings (#225) ReplicaManager3: * fixed incorrect delete in ReplicaManager3::Clear() when using a custom allocator (#249) SystemAddress: * fixed multiple issues related to port resolution in hostnames upon construction or through SystemAddress::FromString() (#263 - SLNET_46) * fixed cases where using a hostname to create a system address, calling SystemAddress::FromString(), or SystemAddress::SetBinaryAddress() can fail in IPv4 mode (#264) * fixed localhost not being resolved properly, if set to something other than on the current system (#265) TeamManager: * fixed incorrect delete in TeamManager::Clear() when using a custom allocator (#249) Building: General: * fixed some compile errors when enabling IPv6 on Linux/OSX (#220) * fixed compile error when enabling OPENSSL on Linux/OSX (#273) CrashReporter: * fixed compile error when compiling in RAKNET_COMPATIBILITY mode (#223) Lobby2: * fixed compile error when compiling in RAKNET_COMPATIBILITY mode (#223) Swig: * fixed non-working created DLL when using the Visual Studio project (#228) * fixed compile errors in CSharpTestApp (previously called SwigTestApp) (#226) * fixed multiple warnings when generating C# files (#227) * fixed warning when building shared library with C# integration (#242) version 0.1.2 (05-06-2018 21:00 UTC) *** This release satisfies/processes 3 complete and 1 partial GitHub pull request (up to pull request RAKNET_124) *** This release resolves 3 user reported issues (1 partially and 2 completely) *** This release contains security fixes - overall CVSS score: 7.2 General: * several smaller changes, fixes, and code cleanup (#186 - RAKNET_80, #207) * several documentation updates (#207) Core: General * fixed broken ABI compatibility with RakNet 4.081/4.082 (#203) DataStructures: + added DataStructures::RangeList::IsWithinRange() to easily determine whether a value is within a range (#205) * fixed DataStructures::OrderedList::GetIndexFromKey() on a RangeList not indicating correctly that an object already exists (#204) * SECURITY: fixed invalid range list being constructed via DataStructures::RangeList::Deserialize() (#204 - SLNET_19/SLNET_32/RAKNET_102 - CVSS score: 7.2) * several small improvements to DataStructures::RangeList (#205) RakNetSocket2: * fixed out of bounds read in RNS2_Berkley::BindSharedIPV4And6() with RAKNET_SUPPORT_IPV6 set to 1 (#202 - RAKNET_116) RakString: * fixed crash/stack corruption if freeing the returned wide char pointer from RakString::ToWideChar() for an empty string (#190) ReliabilityLayer: * SECURITY: overhauled ACK/NAK handling (#194 - SLNET_32/RAKNET_102 - CVSS score: 7.2) * SECURITY: prevent endless loop when retrieving NAK ranges 0-0xFFFFFE (#194 - SLNET_32/RAKNET_102 - CVSS score: 7.2) SocketLayer: * fixed socket resource leak on non-Windows platforms in an error case (#186 - RAKNET_80) Samples: NAT Punchthrough: * fixed crash when exiting the NATCompleteServer (#192 - RAKNET_91) Building: Core: * fixed build error in RakNet compatibility mode (#180 - SLNET_28/SLNET_30) CMake: * fixed build errors with CMake < 3.0.0 (#183) version 0.1.1 (03-10-2018 21:00 UTC) *** This release satisfies/processes 3 complete and 3 partial GitHub pull requests/issues *** This release contains security fixes - overall CVSS score: 4.8 General: * several smaller changes, fixes, and code cleanup (#105, #156, #165 - RAKNET_29) * added new chapter about configuring SLikeNet (#105) * changed GitHub pull request markers to support pull requests from different GitHub forks (#105) * dropped optional license requirement to notify "Mersenne Twister"-algorithm devs due to lack of valid contact information (#105) * corrected text encoding throughout all files (#116) * several small documentation updates (#105, #112 - SLNET_10, #168) Core: General: * fixed several cases of API/ABI breakage with RakNet 4.081/4.082 (#175) FileListTransfer: * SECURITY: provide compile time setting to limit the max file size for retrieving files (#168 - SLNET_19 - CVSS score: 4.0) RakNetSocket2: * fixed certain error messages producing garbled output in unicode configurations (#119) RakPeer: * improve handling of disconnecting peers (#170 - SLNET_16) SocketLayer: * fixed certain error messages producing garbled output in unicode configurations (#119) TCPInterface: * SECURITY: fixed memory leak upon stopping TCP servers (#125 - SLNET_18 - CVSS score: 4.8) Extensions: Autopatcher: * fixed crash/undefined behavior upon file read error in postgreSQL-based Autopatcher (#143) Lobby2: * fixed Clans_GetMemberProperties::clanMemberState not being populated (#141) * fixed API/ABI breakage of ProfanityFilter::FilterProfanity() with RakNet 4.081/4.082 (#175) Samples: ComprehensiveTest: * fixed very rare occasional crash (#148) FileListTransfer: * fixed incorrect file sizes being reported (#167) Lobby3: * fixed incorrectly referenced string.h header file in VS project file (#105) NAT Punchthrough: * fixed memory/resource leak in NATCompleteServer/NATCompleteClient's ConnectBlocking() functions (#150) Ping: * removed unnecessary/unused query for client port to listen to (#161) ReplicaManager3: * fixed spelling mistake in ClientCreateible structs (#122 - SLNET_15) Building: General: * added support for Windows SDK 10.0.16299.0 (#179) * added missing libcat big_x64.o object file (#117) * fixed different compiler warnings with VS2015+ (#119) * fixed RakNet backwards compatibility and SLikeNet projects sharing the same intermediate directories (#118) CMake: * fixed make install not constructing a RakNet backwards compatible include structure (#115) * fixed installing SLikeNet without RAKNET_ENABLE_STATIC being set, not installing the header files (#165 - RAKNET_29) Core: * fixed compile error with Windows SDK >= 10.x on 64-bit (with LIBCAT_SECURITY) (#120) Autopatcher: * fixed incorrect mysql repository library references for certain configurations (#121) CrashReporter: * enabled treating compile warnings as errors in the VS project file (#105) NAT Punchthrough: * fixed server sample not building via CMake projects (#172) * fixed client sample compile errors on Linux/OSX (#174) Router2: * fixed compile errors on OSX (#174) version 0.1.0 (07-26-2017 21:00 UTC) *** This release satisfies/processes 29 complete and 3 partial GitHub pull requests (up to pull request RAKNET_78) *** This release contains security fixes - overall CVSS score: 6.0 + Initial Release The following lists changes compared to RakNet 4.081/4.082: General: + added support for VS 2010-2017, GCC 4.6.4-5.4.0, and Xcode 7.3.1 (#1) + added new retail configuration (#96) * SECURITY: security fix * replaced multi-byte character set support with unicode support (#23) * fixed mixup between Unicode/MBCS/ANSI character set usage (#23) * several further changes, fixes, and code cleanup (#6, #9, #11, etc.) * several documentation updates including a more detailed Doxygen documentation (#101) - dropped support for VS < 2010 and GCC < 4.6.4 (#1) Core: General: * fixed case for Windows includes in WindowsIncludes.h (#42 - RAKNET_37) BitStream: * fixed <<-operator for BitStream not accepting const parameters (#44 - RAKNET_53) CCRakNetSlidingWindow: * use std::abs() instead of abs for proper C++11 support in CCRakNetSlidingWindow.cpp (#46 - RAKNET_64) DataStructures: * minor improvement to DataStructures::Queue:WeightedGraph::GetShortestPath() by replacing Queue::Size() calls with Queue::IsEmpty() (#34 - RAKNET_14) * fixed incorrect DataStructures::Queue-copy-ctor (#26) NatPunchthrough: * fixed NatPunchthroughClient::SendOutOfBand() producing undefined messages, if __GET_TIME_64BIT is set to 0 (#38 - RAKNET_34) * fixed TestModeToString() returning non-const char pointer (#35, #59, #65 - RAKNET_22, RAKNET_31, RAKNET_61) PacketFileLogger: * fixed incorrectly instantiating/destroying the PacketLogger class instead of the PacketFileLogger when calling PacketFileLogger::GetInstance()/DestroyInstance() (#81) RakNetSocket2: * fixed incomplete zeroing of data in RakNetSocket2_Berkley_NativeClient with RAKNET_SUPPORT_IPV6 set to 1 (#31 - RAKNET_4) RakPeer: * fixed RakPeer::GetTimeoutTime() always returning defaultTimeoutTime (#37 - RAKNET_30) * fixed incorrect delete in RakPeer::DerefAllSockets() when using a custom allocator (#48 - RAKNET_72) * fixed deadlock in ProcessOfflineNetworkPacket() when building with LIBCAT_SECURITY set to 1 (#43) RakString: * fixed undefined behavior in RakString::Assign() on non-Windows platforms if either the passed or the formated string exceeds 511 characters (#64 - RAKNET_60) * fixed undefined behavior in RakString::ToWideChar() if called with very long strings (#12) * fixed undefined behavior in RakString::FromWideChar() if called with very long strings (#102) * SECURITY: fixed memory/resource leak in RakString format-ctors and Set() method on certain platforms/compilers (#40 - RAKNET_36 - CVSS score: 6.0) ReplicaManager3: * fixed resource leak caused by ReplicaManager3::OnConstruction() (#45 - RAKNET_63) * fixed comparing pointer to boolean in ReplicaManager3::AutoCreateConnectionList() (#36, #63 - RAKNET_29, RAKNET_56) UDPProxy: * fixed crash in UDPProxyClient::OnPingServers() (#39 - RAKNET_35) * fixed wrong sort order in UDPProxyCoordinator::ForwardingRequestComp() and related incorrectly sorted UDPProxyCoordinator::forwardingRequestList (#47 - RAKNET_67) Extensions: Autopatcher: * fixed memory leak in ApplyPatch: TestPatchInMemory() (#32 - RAKNET_7) IrrlichtDemo: * fixed only partial upgrade of Irrlicht SDK to 1.8 (#91) * SECURITY: fixed potential non-null-terminated string (#104 - CVSS score: n/a) Lobby2: * SECURITY: fixed crash (dangling pointer and usage after free issue) when detaching Steam Lobby2Client plugin and destroying the instance (#95 - CVSS score: n/a) * fixed Lobby2 Steam client staying attached, even after calling RakPeer::DetachPlugin() (#95) XML: * upgraded XMLParser library from 2.41 to 2.44 (#103) Samples: Autopatcher: * fixed broken AutopatcherPostgreRepository2_WithXDelta due to non-overwritten MakePatch()-method (#14) Cloud: * fixed CloudServerHelper::OnJoinCloudResult() setting incorrect default port (#15) CrossConnectionTest: * fixed incorrect check for incoming connection in CrossConnectionTest (#33 - RAKNET_10) FileListTransfer: * fixed FileListTransfer sample passing incorrect values to TCPInterface::Start() (#21) Building: General: * resolved several compile/link errors in specific configurations/projects (#7, #13, #16, #18, #19, #20, #24, #25, #26, #28, #87, #88, #89, #90, #92, #94, #97) * resolved compile/link warnings (#11) CMake: * resolved CMake warnings/issues (#11, #78, #98, #99) * update to CMake file to support VS 2015 (#46 - RAKNET_64, RAKNET_105, RAKNET_110) * updated FindBoost CMake file from CMake 2.8.0 -> CMake (#99) * updated CMake file to detect FMOD Ex up to version 4.44.59 (#78) * changed to not build sample projects on Linux/Mac by default (#79) * fixed CMake not compiling samples by default (#30, #62 - RAKNET_51, RAKNET_54) * fixed FindPortAudio CMake module ignoring libPortAudioCpp setting (#29 - RAKNET_48) * fixed incorrect usage of PARENT_SCOPE and missing quoting of env-variable in CMake file (#77 - RAKNET_37)