legend: + = added feature * = changed feature (bugfixes, changed behavior, etc.) - = removed feature *** = special note #x = refers to the JIRA issue number PRx = GitHub pull request number SECURITY = special marker to indicate fixes related to security issues If you require a more detailed list on the changes, please refer to the Subversion repository history at: https://www.slikesoft.com/svn/slikenet/ version 0.1.0 (07-26-2017 21:00 UTC) *** This release satisfies/processes 29 complete and 3 partial GitHub pull requests (up to pull request #78) + Initial Release The following lists changes compared to RakNet 4.081/4.082: General: + added support for VS 2010-2017, GCC 4.6.4-5.4.0, and Xcode 7.3.1 (#1) + added new retail configuration (#96) * SECURITY: multiple security fixes * replaced multi-byte character set support with unicode support (#23) * fixed mixup between Unicode/MBCS/ANSI character set usage (#23) * several further changes, fixes, and code cleanup (#6, #9, #11, etc.) * several documentation updates including a more detailed doxygen documentation (#101) - dropped support for VS < 2010 and GCC < 4.6.4 (#1) Core: General: * fixed case for Windows includes in WindowsIncludes.h (#42 - PR37) BitStream: * fixed <<-operator for BitStream not accepting const parameters (#44 - PR53) CCRakNetSlidingWindow: * use std::abs() instead of abs for proper C++11 support in CCRakNetSlidingWindow.cpp (#46 - PR64) DataStructures: * minor improvement to DataStructures::Queue:WeightedGraph::GetShortestPath() by replacing Queue::Size() calls with Queue::IsEmpty() (#34 - PR14) * fixed incorrect DataStructures::Queue-copy-ctor (#26) NatPunchthrough: * fixed NatPunchthroughClient::SendOutOfBand() producing undefined messages, if __GET_TIME_64BIT is set to 0 (#38 - PR34) * fixed TestModeToString() returning non-const char pointer (#35, #59, #65 - PR22, PR31, PR61) PacketFileLogger: * fixed incorrectly instantiating/destroying the PacketLogger class instead of the PacketFileLogger when calling PacketFileLogger::GetInstance()/DestroyInstance() (#81) RakNetSocket2: * fixed incomplete zeroing of data in RakNetSocket2_Berkley_NativeClient with RAKNET_SUPPORT_IPV6 set to 1 (#31 - PR4) RakPeer: * fixed RakPeer::GetTimeoutTime() always returning defaultTimeoutTime (#37 - PR30) * fixed incorrect delete in RakPeer::DerefAllSockets() when using a custom allocator (#48 - PR72) * fixed deadlock in ProcessOfflineNetworkPacket() when building with LIBCAT_SECURITY set to 1 (#43) RakString: * fixed undefined behavior in RakString::Assign() on non-Windows platforms if either the passed or the formated string exceeds 511 characters (#64 - PR60) * fixed undefined behavior in RakString::ToWideChar() if called with very long strings (#12) * fixed undefined behavior in RakString::FromWideChar() if called with very long strings (#102) * fixed memory/resource leak in RakString format-ctors and Set() method on certain platforms/compilers (#40 - PR36) ReplicaManager3: * fixed resource leak caused by ReplicaManager3::OnConstruction() (#45 - PR63) * fixed comparing pointer to boolean in ReplicaManager3::AutoCreateConnectionList() (#36, #63 - PR29, PR56) UDPProxy: * fixed crash in UDPProxyClient::OnPingServers() (#39 - PR35) * fixed wrong sort order in UDPProxyCoordinator::ForwardingRequestComp() and related incorrectly sorted UDPProxyCoordinator::forwardingRequestList (#47 - PR67) Extensions: Autopatcher: * fixed memory leak in ApplyPatch: TestPatchInMemory() (#32 - PR7) IrrlichtDemo: * fixed only partial upgrade of Irrlicht SDK to 1.8 (#91) XML: * upgraded XMLParser library from 2.41 to 2.44 (#103) Samples: AutopatcherServer: * fixed broken AutopatcherPostgreRepository2_WithXDelta due to non-overwritten MakePatch()-method (#14) CloudServer: * fixed CloudServerHelper::OnJoinCloudResult() setting incorrect default port (#15) CrossConnectionTest: * fixed incorrect check for incoming connection in CrossConnectionTest (#33 - PR10) FileListTransfer: * fixed FileListTransfer sample passing incorrect values to TCPInterface::Start() (#21) Building: General: * resolved several compile/link errors in specific configurations/projects (#7, #13, #16, #18, #19, #20, #24, #25, #26, #28, #87, #88, #89, #90, #92, #94, #97) * resolved compile/link warnings (#11) CMake: * resolved CMake warnings/issues (#11, #78, #98, #99) * update to CMake file to support VS 2015 (#46 - PR64) * updated FindBoost CMake file from CMake 2.8.0 -> CMake (#99) * updated CMake file to detect FMOD Ex up to version 4.44.59 (#78) * changed to not build sample projects on Linux/Mac by default (#79) * fixed CMake not compiling samples by default (#30, #62 - PR51, PR54) * fixed FindPortAudio CMake module ignoring libPortAudioCpp setting (#29 - PR48) * fixed incorrect usage of PARENT_SCOPE and missing quoting of env-variable in CMake file (#77 - PR37)