Oculus VR, Inc.

This file contains additional instructions for using Swig with the optional dependent extension options.

The base instructions are available in the Swig Tutorial
Autopatcher MySql Version

The below instructions detail the extra configuration needed on the Visual Studio Project.

Extra Project Options

Under General->Common Language Runtime support the option needs to be set to No Common Language Runtime support

Additional Include Directories

Under Dependent Extensions the following additional directories need to be in the include configuration.


MySql header directory needs to be included.

For 5.1 on Vista the directory looks like: C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\include

Additional sources

Under Dependent Extensions the following additional source files need to be included in the project.



Additional Libraries

The MySql library needs to be included.

For 5.1 on Vista the location looks like:

For debug:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\lib\debug\libmysql.lib

For release:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\lib\opt\libmysql.lib

Replacement Swig File Generation Tool Steps

These are replacement steps. If the dll project is used the PreBuild.bat needs to be modified, the last steps are instructions on how to do that.
  1. Click the start menu and click on run. In Vista click start->search type "run" hit enter.
  2. Type cmd and hit enter.
  3. In the next command PATH_TO_RAKNET_SWIG_FILES is the path to the swig directory. For example C:\RakNet\DependentExtensions\Swig
  4. Type cd PATH_TO_RAKNET_SWIG_FILES hit enter
  5. In the next command PATH_TO_RAKNETSOURCE is the path to the swig source directory. For example: C:\RakNet\Source. PATH_TO_SWIG is an unquoted path with a trailing slash to the Swig directory Example: C:\Swig\. If you added swig to your path variable then PATH_TO_SWIG is not needed and can be ignored or set to "". PATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS is the path to the Dependent Extensions directory Example: C:\RakNet\DependentExtensions. OPTION1 in this case will be MYSQL_AUTOPATCHER.
  7. If you are not using the DLL_Swig project goto "Creating the Swig Wrapped DLL Project" in the Swig Tutorial
  8. If you are using the DLL_Swig project, in the project directory there is a file called Prebuild.bat, open it for editing.
  9. Replace the line "MakeSwig.bat "../../Source"" with the command created in these steps.
  10. Now goto "Creating the Swig Wrapped DLL Project" in the Swig Tutorial. Make sure the extra configuration in this help file is followed.

Replacement Swig File Generation Manual Steps
  1. Click the start menu and click on run. In Vista click start->search type "run" hit enter.
  2. Type cmd and hit enter.
  3. In the next command PATH_TO_RAKNET_SWIG_FILES is the path to the swig directory. For example C:\RakNet\DependentExtensions\Swig
  4. Type cd PATH_TO_RAKNET_SWIG_FILES hit enter
  5. In the next command PATH_TO_RAKNETSOURCE is the path to the swig source directory. For example: C:\RakNet\Source. PATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS is the path to the Dependent Extensions directory Example: C:\RakNet\DependentExtensions.
  6. Type C:\Swig\swig -c++ -csharp -namespace RakNet -I"PATH_TO_RAKNETSOURCE" -I"SwigInterfaceFiles" -I"PATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS" -DSWIG_ADDITIONAL_AUTOPATCHER_MYSQL -outdir SwigOutput\SwigCSharpOutput -o SwigOutput\CplusDLLIncludes\RakNet_wrap.cxx SwigInterfaceFiles\RakNet.i hit enter
  7. Goto "Creating the Swig DLL" in the Swig Tutorial. Make sure the extra configuration in this help file is followed.

Replacement Swig File Tool Steps

Note: The Linux batch requires Wget,Tar,Make and GCC  to be installed, unless swig is already installed. Most of the time Wget,Tar,Make and GCC are already installed.
  1. Open a terminal if you are not already at one.
  2. In the next command PATH_TO_RAKNET_SWIG_FILES is the path to the swig directory. For example /home/usr/RakNet/DependentExtensions/Swig
  3. Type cd PATH_TO_RAKNET_SWIG_FILES hit enter
  4. Type chmod u+x MakeSwig.sh
  5. In the next command PATH_TO_RAKNETSOURCE is the path to the swig source directory. For example: /home/usr/RakNet/Source. PATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS is the path to the Dependent Extensions directory Example: /home/usr/RakNet/DependentExtensions. OPTION1 in this case will be MYSQL_AUTOPATCHER.
  7. Skip to "Creating the C# project" in the Swig Tutorial.   

Replacement Manual Swig File Generation Steps

  1. Open a terminal
  2. In the next command PATH_TO_RAKNET_SWIG_FILES is the path to the swig directory. For example /home/usr/RakNet/DependentExtensions/Swig
  3. Type cd PATH_TO_RAKNET_SWIG_FILES hit enter
  4. In the next command PATH_TO_RAKNETSOURCE is the path to the swig source directory. For example: /home/usr/RakNet/Source
  5. Type swig -c++ -csharp -namespace RakNet -I"PATH_TO_RAKNETSOURCE" -I"SwigInterfaceFiles" -outdir SwigOutput/SwigCSharpOutput -o SwigOutput/CplusDLLIncludes/RakNet_wrap.cxx SwigInterfaceFiles/RakNet.i and hit enter
  6. Goto the next section below.

Replacement Creating the Swig  Dynamic Link Steps

Note: If you ran the linux batch tool it will have made the dynamic link and attempted to install it, so you may skip these steps if it ran successfully.

  1. In the next command PATH_TO_RAKNET_SWIG_FILES is the path to the swig directory.  EX:: ../DependentExtensions/Swig
  2. In the next command PATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS is the path to the Dependent Extensions directory. EX: /home/usr/RakNet/DependentExtensions
  3. First we need to compile the C files seperatly with GCC in C mode type the following command and hit enter: gcc -c PATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS/bzip2-1.0.3/blocksort.c PATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS/bzip2-1.0.3/bzip2.c PATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS/bzip2-1.0.3/bzlib.c PATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS/bzip2-1.0.3/compress.c PATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS/bzip2-1.0.3/crctable.c PATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS/bzip2-1.0.3/decompress.c PATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS/bzip2-1.0.3/dlltest.c PATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS/bzip2-1.0.3/huffman.c $2/bzip2-1.0.3/randtable.c
  4. Now we use those object files and compile the C++ files with C++ mode type the following command and hit enter: g++ *.cpp PATH_TO_RAKNET_SWIG_FILE/SwigOutput/CplusDLLIncludes/RakNet_wrap.cxx blocksort.o bzip2.o bzlib.o compress.o crctable.o decompress.o dlltest.o huffman.o randtable.o PATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS/Autopatcher/ApplyPatch.cpp PATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS/Autopatcher/AutopatcherClient.cpp PATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS/Autopatcher/AutopatcherMySQLRepository/AutopatcherMySQLRepository.cpp PATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS/Autopatcher/AutopatcherServer.cpp PATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS/Autopatcher/CreatePatch.cpp PATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS/Autopatcher/MemoryCompressor.cpp PATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS/MySQLInterface/MySQLInterface.cpp  -l pthread -lmysqlclient -I/usr/include/mysql/ -I./ -IPATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS/Autopatcher/AutopatcherMySQLRepository -IPATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS/Autopatcher -IPATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS/bzip2-1.0.3 -IPATH_TO_DEPENDENTEXTENSIONS/MySQLInterface -shared -o RakNet           
  5. Note: In the previous command -l pthread is lower case L while -I./ is uppercase i.
  6. A file called RakNet should be created that will be copied in the next section
  7. Go to "Creating the C# project" in the Swig Tutorial.

See Also

Swig Tutorial